On Campus Efforts
We continue to focus on maintaining a safe learning environment for our students and staff.
- Temperature check station
- Student distancing per CDC guidelines
- Additional sanitizing efforts
- Laptops for every student
- In-Person, At Home, or Flexible Learning
Learning Options
Coronavirus Covid-19 Updates
Learning Options for Pegasus Students for the 2020-2021 School Year
As the school year approaches, we wanted to give you more details about the upcoming school year. Following guidance from the Texas Education Agency, we have worked hard to design flexible learning opportunities that best meet the needs of you and your students. We are offering these options to allow you to make the best learning and health decisions for your students. These options are described in greater detail below.
Note: All students have the option to choose either Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3. A student may move from one selection to another, but only at the beginning of each 9-week grading period.
The three learning options we have developed for your students for the 2020-2021 school year are: Option 1: 100% In-Class Learning,
Option 2: 100% At-Home Learning, and
Option 3: Flex Learning that combines In-Class Learning and At-Home Learning.
Learning Options for Pegasus Students for the 2020-2021 School Year
As the school year approaches, we wanted to give you more details about the upcoming school year. Following guidance from the Texas Education Agency, we have worked hard to design flexible learning opportunities that best meet the needs of you and your students. We are offering these options to allow you to make the best learning and health decisions for your students. These options are described in greater detail below.
Note: All students have the option to choose either Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3. A student may move from one selection to another, but only at the beginning of each 9-week grading period.
The three learning options we have developed for your students for the 2020-2021 school year are: Option 1: 100% In-Class Learning,
Option 2: 100% At-Home Learning, and
Option 3: Flex Learning that combines In-Class Learning and At-Home Learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will all three options be available on the first day of school for Pegasus on August 12, 2020?
No. The Dallas County Health Department has ordered that there can be no in-person classes for schools in Dallas County until after September 7th, so the three scenarios described above will occur after schools are allowed to open in person. Because of this all Pegasus students will start with virtual classes on August 12th and students may move into In-Class options as allowed by health officials.
Why is Pegasus Starting School Virtually On August 12?
We want to start with virtual learning on the day originally planned for the beginning of the school year. We believe it is important for families and students to be able to count on traditional breaks--Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Break. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate that starting virtually on August 12th will help Pegasus achieve this goal.
What materials does Pegasus provide to help Students with learning?
While students are learning from home it is important to establish a routine that is followed consistently. To help with this, we will be providing a schedule for students to follow and each student will receive supplies needed to perform schoolwork. This “School in a Box” kit will include a laptop computer to borrow, information/access to the internet, earbuds, pencils, sketch pads and drawing pencils for art class and other school supplies. In addition, 6th-12th graders studying music may check out instruments. Students will be able to set up their at-home classroom by simply opening the box in whatever space you determine best meets their learning needs. We will let you know how and when to get your “School in a Box” supplies.
No. The Dallas County Health Department has ordered that there can be no in-person classes for schools in Dallas County until after September 7th, so the three scenarios described above will occur after schools are allowed to open in person. Because of this all Pegasus students will start with virtual classes on August 12th and students may move into In-Class options as allowed by health officials.
Why is Pegasus Starting School Virtually On August 12?
We want to start with virtual learning on the day originally planned for the beginning of the school year. We believe it is important for families and students to be able to count on traditional breaks--Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Break. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate that starting virtually on August 12th will help Pegasus achieve this goal.
What materials does Pegasus provide to help Students with learning?
While students are learning from home it is important to establish a routine that is followed consistently. To help with this, we will be providing a schedule for students to follow and each student will receive supplies needed to perform schoolwork. This “School in a Box” kit will include a laptop computer to borrow, information/access to the internet, earbuds, pencils, sketch pads and drawing pencils for art class and other school supplies. In addition, 6th-12th graders studying music may check out instruments. Students will be able to set up their at-home classroom by simply opening the box in whatever space you determine best meets their learning needs. We will let you know how and when to get your “School in a Box” supplies.
Past Updates
Last week Governor Greg Abbott announced that school buildings will remain closed for the rest of this school year. This means that the Pegasus School’s at-home learning is more important than ever. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing lessons and on-line assistance through the balance of our school year. Learning continues as we navigate through this time of the Covid-19 virus. Parents and students, thank you for your hard work in making the at-home learning successful.
Now and in the future, we are committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education. Parents and students, we encourage you to work on the learning packets and contact your teachers as needed for help. All work should be received by May 22, 2020 in order to count toward a student’s final grades. Teachers will be working to get all work graded and counted in students’ final report cards. In addition to reaching out to your teachers (teachers’ email addresses are included in learning packets), you can also reach out to the campus staff by calling 214-740-9991 or by email at [email protected] with any questions.
Also, we want to remind you that food distribution is available at the upper school located at 601 N. Akard, at the YMCA building every Monday and Thursday from 11 am to 1 pm through May 21, 2020. Completed learning packets may also be dropped off during this time.
Remember to follow health and safety procedures laid out by our City of Dallas and Dallas County officials. Stay healthy and safe. We look forward to getting back together soon.
Update on At-Home Learning
Today our Pegasus team is making calls to each of our Pegasus Families. We will discuss the best method for you to get school work and to communicate with teachers. Thank you for your patience
Stay home and stay safe. Should you need to contact the school, please call 214-740-9991.
Coronavirus School Closing Announcement, March 16, 2020
Pegasus School of Liberal Arts and Sciences will close its school until further notice to help combat the spread of the coronavirus. We do not take this action lightly as we know it can be disruptive to our families. This closure is consistent with recommendations of various state and local authorities to limit large gatherings of individuals. We hope this action will help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
We do not know when the school will reopen but we will continue to monitor the rapidly changing coronavirus pandemic and keep you posted on any changes to this closure.
While our classrooms may be empty, we will continue our mission to educate our students through at-home learning. We realize everyone is on spring break this week. Beginning the week of March 23, 2020, we will reach out to all our families with more information on our at-home learning strategies.
Thank you for your continued support.
Last week Governor Greg Abbott announced that school buildings will remain closed for the rest of this school year. This means that the Pegasus School’s at-home learning is more important than ever. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing lessons and on-line assistance through the balance of our school year. Learning continues as we navigate through this time of the Covid-19 virus. Parents and students, thank you for your hard work in making the at-home learning successful.
Now and in the future, we are committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education. Parents and students, we encourage you to work on the learning packets and contact your teachers as needed for help. All work should be received by May 22, 2020 in order to count toward a student’s final grades. Teachers will be working to get all work graded and counted in students’ final report cards. In addition to reaching out to your teachers (teachers’ email addresses are included in learning packets), you can also reach out to the campus staff by calling 214-740-9991 or by email at [email protected] with any questions.
Also, we want to remind you that food distribution is available at the upper school located at 601 N. Akard, at the YMCA building every Monday and Thursday from 11 am to 1 pm through May 21, 2020. Completed learning packets may also be dropped off during this time.
Remember to follow health and safety procedures laid out by our City of Dallas and Dallas County officials. Stay healthy and safe. We look forward to getting back together soon.
Update on At-Home Learning
Today our Pegasus team is making calls to each of our Pegasus Families. We will discuss the best method for you to get school work and to communicate with teachers. Thank you for your patience
Stay home and stay safe. Should you need to contact the school, please call 214-740-9991.
Coronavirus School Closing Announcement, March 16, 2020
Pegasus School of Liberal Arts and Sciences will close its school until further notice to help combat the spread of the coronavirus. We do not take this action lightly as we know it can be disruptive to our families. This closure is consistent with recommendations of various state and local authorities to limit large gatherings of individuals. We hope this action will help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
We do not know when the school will reopen but we will continue to monitor the rapidly changing coronavirus pandemic and keep you posted on any changes to this closure.
While our classrooms may be empty, we will continue our mission to educate our students through at-home learning. We realize everyone is on spring break this week. Beginning the week of March 23, 2020, we will reach out to all our families with more information on our at-home learning strategies.
Thank you for your continued support.
Lower School: Grades K-7